on guard

insert clever title here

09.25.03 at 10:56 pm

hm today was a decent day. it feels like a friday though and i really wish it was. so why is it that the one person you don't want to think about is always the one on your mind? maybe that's just me but it's starting to piss me off. i always want the thing i can't have...or i want the wrong thing at the wrong time. oh yeah that and i officially hate people who have boyfriends/girlfriends. i just realized today the massive amount of space that couples consume in the hallways. plus they make me jealous and i know that's really dumb and pathetic but i don't care. i mean i haven't had a technical boyfriend in almost 3 years so what do you expect. god i'm stopping there b/c i sound like an idiot. oooh on a better note...the dashboard concert was awesome!!! joy now i sound like a teeny-bopper. vendetta red is amazing live. if you haven't heard any of their songs besides shatterday you should seriously consider buying the cd b/c they rock. oh and i'm in love w/ brand new...but that's nothing new. ack i swear i'm not one of those emo people. haha. anyway, we were on the FRONT ROW and well it was possibly one of the best days of my life so far. now i just want to go to more concerts. hmm next subject...i'm reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower by some guy and it's really weird/good. wow i just realized i didn't make seperate paragraphs in this entry. ha i'm a dork. oh and my older entries page is being an ass. so if anyone feels like helping me fix it let me know (yeah right). i'm supposed to see a movie with the non-weird stephen (different from the weird stephen) on saturday which should be interesting. ah well atleast he can get us in free since he works there. yeah i'm going to sleep now.

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